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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Glossary of Food-Related Terms (Ee)

Glossary of Food-Related Terms (Ee)

E. coli: O157:H7 -
The bacteria Escherichia coli: O157:H7 is a type of E. coli associated with foodborne illness. Healthy cattle and humans can carry the bacteria. It can be transferred from animal to animal, human and food. Transmission from person to person through close contact is a potential problem especially among young children in daycare.

Eating disorders -
Illnesses characterized by abnormal eating patterns that may endanger health or increase the risk for other diseases. Eating disorders may be classified as anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, binge eating or any combination of these. Each is based on specific diagnostic criteria.

Ecologist -
An individual who studies the interrelationships between organisms and their environment.

Ellagic acid -
A natural-cancer fighting agent found in strawberries.

Endocrine disruption -
It could lead to toxic outcomes; such as cancer or adverse reproductive effects.

Enriched foods -
Enriched foods are those that nutrients have been added to replace the nutrients which were lost during food processing. For example B vitamins are lost in processing; wheat to white flour and these are then added back to the flour.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -
The EPA's mission is to protect human health and safeguard the natural environment air, water and land upon which life depends. Through regulation, EPA tries to ensure the human population and the environment is protected from environmental risks and exposures.

Epidemiology -
The study of distribution and determinants of diseases or other health outcomes in human populations. It seeks to expose potential associations between aspects of health, diet, lifestyle, habits or other factors within populations. Epidemiological studies may suggest relationships between two factors but do not provide the basis for conclusions about cause and effect. Possible associations inferred from epidemiological research can turn out to be coincidental.

Epinephrine -
An adrenal hormone that stimulates autonomic nerve reaction. It is used in the treatment of anaphylaxis to open airways and blood vessels.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) -
A type of fatty acid that the body cannot produce and which must be obtained from food.

Experimental group -
The group of subjects in an experimental study which receives a treatment.

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